zaterdag 16 juli 2022

Hang it up!

This one is a bit of a stretch, wait... I said that before, I might have lost my touch. But honestly, I’m very happy with this item. Let’s make it interesting. I posted a picture of it below, now... let me know if you get how it’s tied to the Dodgers.

Hit sign, win suit
For those of you who got it: you know your Dodgers history, well done! Abe Stark was a tailor and got famous in Brooklyn because of his advertisment on the right field wall. Players who hit the sign got a free suit. In 1931 the sign moved under the famous Ebbets Field scoreboard and was way more difficult to hit. Partly because of great fielding by the likes of Furillo and Walker. One player, Mel Ott, hit it twice, though.

Abe Stark
Stark became so famous he even got himself elected as president of the New York Council, twice. During his time as president (1954-1961) he had two alternatives to the Dodgers leaving Brooklyn. First he suggested building the new stadium in Prospect Park, later he pitched the idea of the city of New York to become stockholders of the Giants and Dodgers to keep the teams in town. After his stint as president he was elected borough president of Brooklyn three times!

The Hanger
It’s not much to look at, but it breathes that film noir kinda vibe. The name Abe Stark is near the top twice. The left arm says ‘Brooklyn’s finest clothes shop’. The right arm ‘opp. Loew’s Pitkin Theatre’. The arms are connected by a horizontal rod for some trousers, fancy! It sure feels special to hang my Dodgers jersey on this hanger.

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