donderdag 2 mei 2019

Dodgers Art

As a big Dodgers fan I like to collect Dodgers stuff. The problem is, most of the time it's just that: stuff! Pins, bobbleheads, pennants, caps, cards, books. All perfectly fine. I really love some of the bobbleheads and most of the books in my Dodgers library and those awesome World Series 2017 & 2018 caps. But... sometimes I want something special, something unique.
That's not easy since sports team related ‘stuff’ is not made in single units. Sure, bobbleheads come in editions of only about 40 thousand, but I want something more unique...
Then, last year, Emma Amaya started to write haiku's for EVERY Dodgers game. I thought that was an awesome idea but it was nothing I could work with. How do you collect haiku's?
Then, at the start of this baseball season, the haiku's appeared accompanied by pieces of art by Billy Cormalis Jr. These pieces were awesome and the combination with Emma's haiku's made them even better. That was what I was looking for. I wanted a piece of that! So, I contacted Billy and asked if he sold those art & haiku pieces. Yes he did, so now I'm the proud owner of a unique Dodgers item.

Emma's Haiku:

Dodgers Pound the Snakes
Blast Four Bombs Two by Belli
Russell Perfect Frame

It was game 3 of the 2019 season. Bellinger gave us a clue of what he could do and Russell Martin did something we had NO clue he could do. He smiled that entire ninth inning like he couldn't believe it himself. Great game, great haiku and as it turned out, great art!

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