woensdag 20 november 2024

Perfect Eloquence: Review

Vin Scully, the most recognizable voice in all of baseball was a big little man. Revered by his peers and by Dodger fans all over the globe. Big in how he handled his work. Little was how he wanted to be. No big podium. A humble man who was just lucky to be part of broadcasting history.

He would never have agreed to a biography let alone write an autobiography. This is why 'Pull Up a Chair' was an average book that did not capture the Vin we know and could not get under the skin of the Vin we don’t know.

This is why ‘Perfect Eloquence’ is so strong. It’s not the life of Vin, but the tales about him. Memories of people who worked with him, baseball players and fans. In their own words they all paint a pretty picture. Vin would have waved it away, but eventually had pulled up a chair and leafed his way through the book, a sweet smile on his face.

All the memories are of a professional man who was a great human being. If you miss Vin, read this book, one tale at a time and be transported to better times, when years were improbable and evenings were pleasantly good, where ever you might have been.